Yes You Can ,Book Kickstart!
Stereotypical gender 'rules'! Some of us are old fashioned and some of us new age but everyone always comes up with a stereotypical gender 'rule' related to kids, well this post is all about them!
Well, me, Michael and the kids argue about this alot!
Megan is 8 and she loves football (typically stereotyped as a 'boys' game) she even says her self that it's a 'boys' game
Laten is 6 he likes playing with dolls and watching 'girl' programmes he doesn't care and neither do I!
Lilli is 4 and wears 'boys' clothes alot because she doesn't like pink and they're more comfy for her than tight 'girl' clothes.
So me and mike argue about this, when he tells Laten he can't play with this or that because it's for girls or whatever and I always say 'he isn't playing with it with his genitals so why does it matter?'
His response is always well yeah but....then silence!
His response is always well yeah but....then silence!
So this lovely author Cheryl Rickman, has written a book aimed for 3-8 year olds to let them be themselves and get out of this stereotype craze.
“Football? You should've been a boy!”… “Why do you play with boys' stuff?”… “You don’t want Spiderman painted on your face, that’s for boys… how about a lovely butterfly?!”… “Boys don’t wear pink! That’s for girls!”… “Boys don’t cry!”…
These are just some of the comments children who don’t fit gender stereotypes hear on a regular basis. This compelled one mother, from Hampshire, to do something about it.
Cheryl Rickman, 42, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to get her children's book published to show children that all toys/clothes/colours/hobbies are for everyone and encourage kids to be proud to be all that they are.
The link to the kickstarter campaign will be at the bottom of the post.
It would be brilliant if you could spare a little to donate to fund the publishing of this book to better the lives of our children :)
About the author: Cheryl Rickman is a business and well-being book author/ghostwriter, with 12 books published. This her first children’s book. Cheryl qualified as a Positive Psychology Practitioner in January 2017 and is an Ambassador for Let Clothes Be Clothes and The Network of Wellbeing. She lives in Hampshire with her daughter, husband and dog.
I really hope you can all take the time to read the campaign or just watch this short video :) :