Random little notes sometimes mean the world to you, other times they make you roll on the floor laughing, those little notes can change...

Little Notes That Change Your Day!

By May 18, 2018

Random little notes sometimes mean the world to you, other times they make you roll on the floor laughing, those little notes can change your whole day in an instance and they come from the heart too! Here are a few notes from other people that made me giggle and will hopefully lift your day too!

Mike left me a little note and food on the side as id been so busy I didn't have time to eat! - Mumma
Photo 13-05-2018, 17 09 22.jpg

My husband writes me silly shopping lists and normally includes hugs and kisses etc - Eva - Https://www.captainbobcat.com
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My mum once didn’t want me to use the computer when she went to work so left with the keyboard and wrote a note saying ‘no keyboard no computer’... she probably should have taken the mouse too as I ended up using the onscreen keyboard! Sarah- www.mummycatnotes.com
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I sent my OH to the chippy with a list of things to buy for us all knowing that he would read it out loud to the women without checking it first. Thankfully / Sadly he clocked that I’d written ‘sex please’ as the last item before he said it and was still laughing about it when he got home. 
Charlie- www.ouralteredlife.com

 Because I said we weren't making slime today... Leanne - Www.secondtimemummy.com
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This never fails to make me laugh. My husband left an empty tub of Hagen-Dazs in the freezer with this note at the bottom. Shame he can’t spell. Lisa - www.baremother.com
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Mine's more romantic than funny but once in the throes of breastfeeding a newborn Misery Guts wrote 'I love you' in bath letters on the bathroom mirror because he knew I'd find it in the middle of the night Natalie- http://www.crummymummy.co.uk
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My son was always leaving notes before he moved out ðŸ˜‚ Deborah- http://Countryheartandhome.com
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We used this sticky note for several weeks to let others know that our cats were fed already
Adam- TheCoachingParent.Com
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Who says romance is dead?! Cass- https://www.frugalfamily.co.uk/

I once found a note in a library book, it said if you read this note you're not alone, your doing great....the book was about parenting challenges and it made me smile from ear to ear! - mumma!

My daughter quite often leaves me notes requesting things (like going to get Pick n Mix!) and she has done so for many years. She also leaves me little gifts with notes too Emma- Www.TheMiniMesAndMe.com
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and my son usually just leaves insults ...

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I hope this made you giggle as much as did for me and it has brightened up your day!
Try and leave a note for someone soon and feel good about it!
Let me know some of your little funny 'notes' in the comments below :D

Much Love

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  1. These are totally a great idea! I would love to bump into a note as I go along my busy day...it a wonderful feeling for sure. Some of these notes are super funny!

    Yeah Lifestyle

  2. I love these, little notes can really make your day :)
