Chores For My Child
My daughters now at that age where I think she should be helping with chores, She is now 6 and can easily help me around the house and actually enjoys it, I personally think we should all pitch in being a family unit and Olli (whos 2) even helps tidy toys and help with washing etc.
I made Lilli these cute little charts to help with her chores and will have them laminated and stuck on the fridge to help her. The left one will have little magnets to move over from To Do to Done, Its a really great system to help with routines, it has helped a lot already especially in the morning getting ready for school.
The second design is more of a points system, Lilli can earn points by doing chores, then she can choose rewards with those points such as go to the park or stay up late. This is a really great incentive for Lilli she finds it really exciting to get chores done to earn the reward she wants. It's proven really great so far.
So if your child likes having routines I really recommend these, even if they're not with words but pictures instead this would be really helpful especially those with different mental capability etc...
They're so easy to make and don't have to look great either!
If you like these don't forget to PIN THEM on Pinterest by hovering over the images!
Watch out for more great content soon!