8 top tips to combat hay fever
Spring and summertime in the UK mean warmer weather and walks in the sunshine for many people, however, it has been estimated that over 10 million people in the UK suffer from hay fever, causing itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing, headaches and drowsiness.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

For those who still suffer, despite taking medication and remedies to help fight against the never-ending streaming and sneezing, smart thermostat company tado° has put together eight handy practical steps to minimise exposure and can thus enjoy the summer months.
1. Keep your home allergen-free. Staying indoors may seem like the best way to manage symptoms of hay fever; however, triggers can also be present in the home. Dust mites, pet hair and indoor moulds can also prompt symptoms, so the indoor environments should be vacuumed and kept as clean as possible as a precaution.*
2. Put your smart thermostat to work. According to WebMD, the pollen count is at its highest between 5-10 am and at dusk, making it better to open the non-bedroom windows during the day to help ventilate the house. If you forget to close the window, giving pollen-free rein, tado°’s Open Window Detection will recognise that a window has been opened due to sudden changes in temperature and switch off the heating or air conditioning for a short time to save energy. You will also receive a notification of this, to remember to close your window, keep the pollen outside and save energy and costs. The smart thermostat from tado° also has a Climate Comfort Skill that is available to all tado° users of the V3 + app which provides insight into the air quality in your home.
3. Have a shower before going to bed. Not only will a night time shower rid you of all the dirt from the day, it will also wash off any stray pollen. If you have been outside at all during the day during a high pollen count, your hair, skin and clothes will be covered in micro-particles of dust and pollen so a quick shower before bed will help remove these allergens before you sleep, reducing nighttime symptoms.
4. Cut down on caffeine and increase vitamin C intake. If you’re partial to a cup of breakfast tea or an iced coffee, it may be time to cut back. Excess caffeine is thought to increase your body’s histamine levels, intensifying symptoms of hay fever. Foods that are rich in vitamin C are great natural antihistamines, making oranges, grapefruit, red peppers and berries a great option for a snack on days with a high pollen count.**
5. Take local honey and garlic. Start taking a spoonful of local honey as early in the season as possible. The idea is that locally produced honey, made from pollen from local plants, works as a natural vaccine because you eventually become immune to it. Another option is garlic because it is a natural anti-inflammatory and gives your immune system a boost. Crush it, leave it for fifteen minutes and eat it raw, for example in a salad dressing or homemade pesto. The core of pineapple also has an anti-inflammatory effect. ***
6. Use Vaseline around the nose and eyes. Applying a small amount of Vaseline in and around the nostrils helps to catch some of the allergens before they pass into the nose. The jelly works as a barrier to trap pollen before you breathe it in. It also works under the eyes to prevent them from getting runny and itchy too.*
7. Wear wraparound sunglasses. It may not be the coolest look but for those who suffer from itchy, streaming eyes, wraparound sunglasses are a godsend as they stop pollen and allergens making their way directly into your eyes. They can also be effective at protecting your eyes from dust and wind and help to keep them well moisturised.
8. Dry clothes and bedding indoors. Where possible avoiding drying clothes outdoors as the pollen will stick to the clothes or bedding and may cause a reaction later when you wear them. If drying indoors is a problem, then avoid hanging them outside in the early morning and evening when there is more pollen in the air.