1 week pp and baby update :)
We're so in love, all of us, our beautiful little family!
And all of our family and friends are in love with him too!
Olli David Hunter Wright 💙
21st May 2016
8lb 6 oz
I can't stop staring at him! Through every feed, every little nap, every little cry, he's just so beautiful and I can't believe he's finally here and we've spent a whole week with him!
Sunday was a blur, a blur of family and friends and alot of me not having him because of cuddles and I didn't like it!
Monday I felt awesome! I had all the energy in the world and I wasn't achey or sore so we decided to go out, I wrapped Olli and lilli was in her buggy, we went to a few shops then to the park so lilli could play!
My friend came over in the afternoon to meet him and her little boy played with lilli!
Tuesday I took Lilli to nursery, then me and Olli went to see auntie Sadie and had lots of cuddles! We then met up with Helen and walked back home, she stayed for a while and had cuddles too!
Megan and Laten came back from school and had cuddles, we ate dinner they went back home.
Wednesday was our chill day, we spent all day in resting and catching up with telly! We had an earlyish night too!
Thursday was our busy day! Lilli came home from her dad's about 11 ish and we went to the high street with mike, got some food shopping and went to mums, Olli met Auntie Janies (jade at Mummies waiting), Kairi and Naminé (his cousins), We had ths midwife visit and do Ollis heel prick test and a quick check up for me too, Lilli played alot and we had a visit from my auntie and my nanny so they could meet him too! We had a lovely dinner and relaxed and then Mike met us and walked us home!
Friday (today)We had the midwife come this morning to do Olli's hearing test and I took Lilli to nursery (at 12pm) while Mike looked after Olli and I went to the high street, he slept the entire time and had lovely cuddles with his daddy! We then chilled all day watching dvds and tidying up a little, before picking Lilli up from nursery at 5pm, I managed to express half an oz of breast milk wich mike gave olli in a bottle (he guzzled it in 2 seconds) wich made me sad because I know he wants to feed him but it took alot to pump that between 4 feeds during and after each one and I only got a little and it went so quickly! I wish I could just express alot but ill keep trying!
I put lilli to bed at 8pm and read her Room on the Broom (her new favourite) and I'm now on the sofa chilling with Olli asleep on me! BLISS!
Tomorrow (Saturday) We have megan and Laten coming over as usuall, and they will stay the night so that will be fun! I hope they sleep okay!
We are both well and Olli has only lost 6.5% of his weight so he is now 7 lb 13 oz but will now put it back on again!
We will update next week, look out for our midweek post for potty training update!