The mummy tag, YOU'RE IT!
I was tagged in the Mummy Tag by Jade from Mummieswaiting, loved her answers, here are mine!
1 – Are you a stay at home or working Mum?
Stay at home mum :) love having my 2 munchkins here!
2- Would you have it any other way?
To be honest I miss working, I went straight from working to uni then having babies so I definitely miss it!
3- Do you co-sleep?
We co slept with lilli til she was about 2 and a half then she went in her own room, we now bed share with Olli, most of the time as he doesn't really like his moses basket!
4- My Newborn must have?
Sling!! My buggy broke a few days before I gave birth, so having the sling saved my life!
5- How many kids do you plan on having?
Well I have 2 (Olli and Lilli), and mike has Olli and 2 others (megan and laten) so having more seems like a seriously big thing to decide on but maybe in the future when I've forgotten about the pain of childbirth!
6- Date Night? How often?
More like cinema date night, so it's whenever we see a film we wanna watch! But now we have Olli and I'm breastfeeding it will probably be a long time til we do it again!
7- What’s your child’s favorite show?
Lilli loves Paw Patrol, Ben and Holly's little Kingdom and The Hive :)
8- What’s 1 thing you bought for your newborn and never used?
For lilli it was alot of shit! But mostly the Nappy Bin! What a load of poop!
9- Child’s favorite food?
Lilli loves cheese pie (it's like Mince with gravy and mash on top covered in cheese)
Olli just loves the boobie :)
10- How many cars does your family have?
None, we are both non-drivers.
11- What’s your dream family holiday?
I can't wait to take them both to Walt Disney World florida, it may not be for a long long time while we save but one day we will be there!
12. Dream holiday without kids?
Errr....I dunno if I'd like to go anywhere without them!
13. How has life changed since having kids?
It's amazing, it makes you have something to get up for in the morning! (even if you are exhausted and it is 5am!)
14- Finish the sentence. It makes me melt when…
Lilli holds olli and tells me that she loves him!
15- Where do I shop for my kids?
Primark, boots and charity shops/facebay (love finding bargins)
16- What’s your favorite makeup and skincare?
What's that?! Haha
17- Huggies or Pampers?
Lilli's pull ups are cheap ones from wilkos (we did use Huggies but she only liked minnie mouse not cinderella so I had to force her into them haha)
Olli had quite pack of pampers then we got little angles from asda! Boots are good too!
18- Best Part of being a Mum?
Seeing them grow into beautiful little people, seeing their imagination come to life in their play! Sitting having bedtime cuddles and thinking, damn I did an awesome job cause he/she is amazing 💙❤
I literally cannot tag anyone as my pc Is broke but I shall do it through instagram! Take a look there to see who's it!