I love a good blogger tag, I think they're so much fun, plus you get to know a little bit more about me. Thanks to JakiJells for tag...

The Highs and Lows of 2018 tag.

By January 23, 2019

I love a good blogger tag, I think they're so much fun, plus you get to know a little bit more about me.
Thanks to JakiJells for tagging me in this.
So, I know its a little late but without further adieu, here are my highs and lows of 2018 

Here at the questions for you to copy and paste.

1. What was your happiest event?
My wedding, we had a double wedding with my mum and it was absolutely fantastic.

2. What was the saddest thing to happen?
I got married...Just kidding! Sadly at the end of the year, I lost my job which is quite sad about cause it was something I really enjoyed doing.

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?.
The wedding, honestly in Jan 2018 it was just a plan and by Sept 2018 we tied the knot t was crazy!

4. Who let you down?
A whole bunch of people, I'm used to being let down, but I got let down by so many people on my wedding day.

5. Who supported you?
My bestie Katie, she's my little rock, she was my maid of honour.
Also, my sister, she's my biggest supporter and my best friend that lives forever away.

6. Tell us what you learned.
I learned not to get too close to people, people always leave.

7. Tell us what made you laugh.
just good memories of eating ice cream at work and making kids happy with toys, we had an amazing summer.

8. Tell us the things that made you cry.
My husband...the little notes he writes me and especially his vows <3

9. Tell us three things your children did to make you feel proud.
Olli started talking really well, Lilli got up on stage and sung on holiday it was lovely and they have both learned to share a room what a relief!

10. Tell us the things that made you proud of yourself.
I'm proud of myself for supporting my family.

11. Tell us the challenges you overcame.
The biggest challenge has to be saving for the wedding, money was really tight but we did it and I'm super proud.

12. Tell us the things you would like to change about your life in 2019.
I'd like to concentrate more on the blog and help mike at home, spending more time with my family is a must :D
I'm Tagging: 
Here at the questions for you to copy and paste.

1. What was your happiest event?
2. What was the saddest thing to happen?
3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?.
4. Who let you down?
5. Who supported you?
6. Tell us what you learned.
7. Tell us what made you laugh
8. Tell us the things that made you cry
9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud. Please miss this question out if you are not a parent.
10. Tell us the things that made you proud of yourself.
11. Tell us the challenges you overcame
12. Tell us the things you would like to change about your life in 2019


1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog and mine as the founder of the tag
2. Answer the questions
3. Tag to take part 4 or more bloggers asking them to take part and let them know on social media
4. Post the questions without your answers at the bottom of your post so that they are easy to copy and paste for the people you tag

What were you highs and lows of 2018? Let me know below.

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  1. Love this post - congratulations on your marriage too!

