How To Save Money On Your Energy Bills
Energy bills are going up year by year, and they can cost homeowners a considerable amount of money. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to reduce your annual expenditure. Here, we look at some of the ways that you can save money on your energy bills.
Replace an Old Water Heater
An old water heater will struggle to perform as well as it once used to, which means it will have to work twice as hard to run efficiently. It could, therefore, be a wise decision to replace an old heater with a more modern source, which will save you money in the long term.
Install Secondary Glazing
Double-paned windows or secondary glazing not only looks great, but it is an energy efficient addition to a property. What’s more, it can help you save money each year which provides a handy return on your investment over the years.
In addition to lower energy bills, secondary glazing can also reduce your carbon footprint, and your home will also enjoy more peace and quiet, as it will insulate your property from any outside noise. What’s more, it can also successfully reduce condensation build-up to prevent mould and mildew. Remember, if your windows start to show any signs of damage, Westview glass can carry out repairs.
Add Cavity Wall Insulation
Heat will naturally flow from a warm environment to a cold area. This means our homes can lose a considerable amount of heat during the cold winter months. If you are tired of having to heat your home during the colder seasons, we suggest warming up your property with cavity wall insulation. It can reduce energy bills every year. You should, therefore, research the best way to insulate the walls of your property.
Insulate Your Attic
Stop heat from escaping from your home by insulating your attic. It is advised to add a depth of 270mm of insulation into your attic, which will help keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. If your loft has no damp or condensation issues, attic insulation will last for up to 40 years, so it can practically pay for itself.
Stop Leaving Devices on Standby
Leaving your devices and electrical appliances on standby could be costing your home a significant amount of money. We, therefore, recommend turning off your appliances at the socket, and you could even invest in a standby saver so you can turn off several devices at the click of one button. It is, however, important to note that some devices will need to remain plugged in such as a fridge, freezer, satellite or digital TV recorders.
Draught Proof Your Property
Heat could easily escape from a variety of draughts within your home such as doors, windows, chimneys, and gaps in the floor. We, therefore, recommend blocking any cracks in your skirting boards and floors – regular maintenance of your property must be scheduled. You should also install a chimney draught excluder, and hang thick curtains in front of your windows and doors.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.