WooWoo Review and GIVEAWAY
A clean WooWoo is a happy WooWoo, but did you know most of what you clean it with could be damaging your PH balance?!We've teamed up with WooWoo to tell you how easy it is to have a healthy and happy veejay, pits and other bits!
Woo Woo 'Soothe-It' Intimate Wipes come in 2 different scents, Cranberry and Aloe Vera and Chamomile and Aloe Vera, the Wipes come in a pack of 20 towelettes and are PH balanced and biodegradable so yes you can flush them!
The Wipes are great for freshening up, cleaning up after doing the deed, quickly cleaning your pits and cleaning your sex toys too!
Woo Woo also have 'Tame It' Intimate hair remover creme, simply apply the creme, wait a few minutes and wash off with a sponge for a Brazilian effect on your woo woo!
It's really easy to use and comes with an applicator too so hardly any mess and I'm sure a whole tube would last at least a month or so!
My Review:
The Wipes are really easy to use In my opinion, they pull out easily from the packet and smell really lovely (I have the cranberry ones) I keep them in my drawer for after sex and I tell ya they're so helpful Instead of running to the bathroom with 'excess liquid' or cleaning my toys.
I would definitely recommend having a pack in your bedside drawer, handbag or suitcase. Plus, taking them out and about is easy too as the pack is small enough to fit inside the zip pocket in my bag!!
The Creme is amazing, honestly, I use a razor and it never quite gets it as smooth as a wax or removal creme but this was perfect and took me less than 5 minutes to achieve, and it's still smooth 2 days later!
Definitely, one to use for a holiday for that all-important bikini line.
Because Woo Woo are so generous they've let us host a GIVEAWAY!
Click the link below to enter.
Competition is open to UK residents only and runs from 23rd April - 12th May 2019
*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post*