The Biggest Threats to Long-Term Relationship Success
The key to enjoying a lasting commitment with your partner is openness and total honesty. However, there will always be issues that will test your success as a partner in a committed relationship. Some of these issues will be financial while others may be intimately physical. Here are some of the biggest threats to long-term relationship success.
When Your Spouse Has an Untreated Drug or Alcohol Problem
One of the biggest threats to the success of a long-term relationship is when your spouse has a problem with drugs or alcohol. The problem can become even worse when your partner either fails to recognize the severity of the issue or when they simply ignore it and expect you to do the same. It's important to find addiction treatment for your spouse. But this doesn't mean it will be easy.
When it comes time to deal with the problem, you will need to be extra sensitive. However, you will also need to be firm. You will need to work together very closely as a team in order to find addiction treatment for your spouse. Whether it’s prescription drug rehab in California or alcohol addiction treatment in Georgia, licensed experts are ready to assist your spouse in their fight against substance abuse. The effort will be worth it if you truly desire to remain together as a couple for the long haul.
Chronic Money Problems Can Affect Your Relationship
If you are making much less than you or your partner think you should be, this is certainly an issue. Jealousy over your partner making more than you can also be a source of frequent irritation. It's important to budget your money in a productive manner so that you have the funds available to not only buy necessities but also treat yourself from time to time.
Body Issues Can Come Between You
Your partner may be suffering from severe body image issues. They may be overweight or inclined to dislike some part of their anatomy. These are not only physical but also highly emotional issues that you need to be aware of. It may take a lot of honest, open conversation plus therapy to resolve these issues, but it will be worth it if you want to maintain the quality of your relationship with your partner or spouse.
Dislike of Your Spouse's Family or Friends Can Be Divisive
Another issue that can have a ruinous effect on your relationship is your partner's dislike of your family or friends - or vice versa. While it is true that a marriage is meant to last "'til death do us part", a lot of times it can feel like you unintentionally included other parties in that bargain. A great deal of open, honest conversation may be required to overcome this sensitive hurdle.
A Lack of Openness Can Rupture an Otherwise Strong Bond
One of the most insidious issues that can cause a rupture in your relationship is a lack of openness. How often do you discuss important - or even minor - issues with your partner? How open are you with them about your long term plans? If you find yourself avoiding conversations with your spouse, this is a sign that your relationship may be in trouble.
While all of these issues can threaten the quality of your long-term relationship, none of them are impossible to solve. If you want to remain in your relationship as a committed partner, you will need to work together to get through them. Counseling and other forms of treatment can be of use in helping you come out stronger on the other side.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.